Purchase a One or Two year Membership
The Animated Activity Library is the best coaching education tool available for coaches. Each animated activity is shown in motion, thus allowing coaches to visualize the correct execution of each activity. The soccer animations leave out the guesswork of diagrammed activities with X’s, O’s, lines, arrows, squiggles, and numbers. A membership to this Library delivers a coaching clinic to your desktop. For only $49.95, coaches can download one or all activities onto their computer and run the activities as needed. Each activity is animated with TactFOOT software. TactFOOT is the most popular animation program in the world. It is used by FIFA, EUFA, countless professional clubs, and the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. The NSCAA uses TactFOOT’s software throughout its coaches’ education licensing classes. Almost all the activities are part of a teaching progression that allows the user to have enough material for an entire practice session. The sessions are labeled by topic and age appropriateness. All the activities have been animated by John Dingle, a coaching education professional. John has served as a club DOC for over 17 years. He also works as a licensing instructor for the Maryland State Youth Soccer Association. He has been a featured clinician throughout the region and more than ten thousand coaches have benefited from his insight.
Included in each membership is the TactFOOT player. This software can easily be downloaded from the members-only site onto your computer. An added bonus; each membership includes five animated activities that TactFOOT will e-mail to it’s members every month. Additional activities, articles, observations, and suggestions are also added to the site each month. If you want to do just one thing to improve the performance and soccer experience of your players, the Animated Activity Library is the answer for you.